Makale Adı: Strategic Social Work Management in Digital Violence Against Women
Yazar: Fahri ÖZSUNGUR
Yayımlandığı Yer: Toplum Ve Sosyal Hizmet, 32(2): 661-687.
This study focuses on determining the strategic social work management principles in digital violence against women. The aim of this study is to determine the strategic factors for the implementation of measures in the determination and management of the causes and effects of violence against women by social work through digital elements. The results of the study showed that the behavioral patterns of digital violence against women were disruptive behavior, bullying, harassment, stalking, intimidating, controlling. It was determined that strategic social work management consisted of analysis and planning, implementation, control, competitive power, feedback, and strategic renewal stages/steps. According to other findings, it was determined that women were exposed to digital violence through computer games, cyberbullying (cyber harassment), cyberwarfare, internet fraud (cybercrime fraud), social media, smartphone applications, e-articles. Recommended applications for the implementation phase of social work are e-gender discrimination measures, women’s e-refuge / e-shelter, esports (electronic sports) women.